
Integrative dental care is a medical discipline in which we are trained in both conventional as well as so-called complementary approaches to dentistry. In this way, it combines the benefits of two separate but complementary approaches to dental care.
Integrative Dental Care is a holistic approach to dentistry where dentists are trained in both conventional techniques and complementary approaches. By combining these two approaches, patients can benefit from a comprehensive and well-rounded dental care experience.
In integrative dental care, conventional medical research plays a significant role. It incorporates the latest advancements in nano and gene technology, leading to the development of advanced imaging and micro-invasive surgical techniques. These innovations allow dentists to accurately diagnose and treat dental issues by effectively targeting even the finest tissue structures.
Furthermore, integrative dental care also incorporates complementary medicine approaches. These approaches view oral health as an integral part of the overall well-being of an individual. For example, Dental Meridian Screening, derived from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and Regulative Medicine, which interprets conventional physiology differently, are utilized to assess and influence the entire person rather than focusing solely on the dental aspect.
By embracing both conventional and complementary techniques, integrative dental care aims to provide patients with the most comprehensive and personalized dental care possible.